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    STUDIA PSYCHOLOGIA-PAEDAGOGIA - Ediţia nr.1 din 1999  

  Rezumat:  Amnesic patients have impaired explicit memory that is evident in poor recall and recognition of words, yet can have intact implicit memory for words as measured by repetition priming, the enhanced efficiency for reprocessing those words. In the present study we reiterated the Schacter, Church and Boltons experiment (1995), but in a new paradigm. The purpose of their experiment was to investigate whether amnesic patients exhibit normal levels of voice-specific priming on a test that is known to yeld such effects in nonamnesic subjects. Actually we intended to evaluate the effect of mixed variables (voice specificity and level of processing during at encoding phase) on the magnitude of auditory priming. The goal of our experiment was to estimate the effects produce by within modality study - test changes in speaker’s voice on magnitude of auditory priming in non-amnesic and amnesic subjects. The most important result of the present experiment is: the amnesic patients failed to exhibit more priming in the same-voice condition than in the different-voice condition (t=2.24, p<0.5); by contrast, control subjects showed significantly more priming in the same- than in the different-voice condition (t=4.12, p<.001) .These results can be simulating by ussing an amnesia model and an artificial neural network.  
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