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    STUDIA NEGOTIA - Ediţia nr.2 din 2006  

  Rezumat:  The author tried to point out main traits, common as well as different, between selections at social level versus selection at institutional level. Based on this analysis it is easy to understand why evolution depends mostly of the value of people promoted in rank and file based on social selection as well as on the pattern of institutional selection. So, throughout selection type will be promoted leaders as well as managers or pseudo-leaders as well as pseudo-managers. Selection is well known and broadly applied within agriculture process and mostly ignored and contested within human environment. It was easy, at the end, to accept selection within institution just because, in time, became obvious that person nominated in rank and file had a huge influence on the profit of that institution. So, in our days selection of managers became a common process. Contrary, at social level nobody speaks about selection in spite of its outcome: quality of elected leaders. The social responsibility may be considered as a main trait in order to find out the quality of leaders. So, to measure this responsibility of leaders represent “a stick” to point out the quality of any leaders. The responsibility for people within theirs span of authority could be also a stick to measure the quality of managers. At social level, that is a space of interaction between different groups of interest as well as of self interest, represented by parties, trade union, owners associations and so on as well as the common interest of citizens represented by non-governmental organizations and of course the interest of the main social actors. At social level are made the most important decisions, at this level is built up the social environment. The quality of human environment largely depends on the quality of leaders. The quality of leaders is a main factor for the quality of common life of citizens. As any where, quality depends on selection. Of course the selection process, as it is organized, will lead to a certain quality of leaders as well as managers elected/nominated. Quality of leaders as well as managers is the core condition for rising up a human environment in which individuals feels that is worthy to live, that they have pretty good chances to contribute with theirs full creativity for the betterment of community.

Key words: selection, social responsibility, pseudo-leader, pseudo-manager, quality
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