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    STUDIA IURISPRUDENTIA - Ediţia nr.2 din 2003  

Autori:  .
  Rezumat:  The constitutional basis of the european integration.The first modification of the 1991 Constitution is that of the year 2003, which had three important aims: the consolidation of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the reform of public authority sistems, and the creation of specific constitutional basis for Euro - Atlantic integration. Generally all the revised aims can be connected to political, economical and other accession criteria formulated at Copenhagen and Madrid, but our study will analyse the third aim mentioned. After describing the accession procedure, as well as formulating explanations referring to the transfer of competence which implies the commission of national sovereignity, we approach Eurocompatibility of the Constitution in the folowing areas: election rights, land.ownership rights, regional development, introduction of euro, the status of national minorities, market economy and justice. In our approach we also refer to the recommendation of the „Regular Report on Romania‘s progress towards accession” from the preceding years up to 2003, with the hope that, although there are eleven chapters under way of negotiation, the modifications of the Constitution and the items of law that will be adopted on its basis will case the accession planed to happen in 2007  
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