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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Ediţia nr.2 din 2011  
  Articol:   TURISM ŞI CRIZĂ.

Autori:  P. COCEAN.

The cyclic evolution of the tourism phenomenon involves phase shifts between growth periods and stagnation or decline time intervals in which the catalytic factors diminish or cease their support for the development process, as substituted by contradictions of inhibitory effect. The financial crisis that emerged in 2008 has had great socio-economic effects, directly and indirectly manifested in the tourism industry by reducing the intensity of passenger flows, by restricting activities, and by reducing benefits. Therefore, it has determined the reorientation of promoters, the reform of strategies, and numerous changes in tourist market supply. Romanian tourism, which has been characterized by a prolonged identity crisis, experiences even more acutely the adverse impact of the crisis, its resilience being affected by low-level efficiency and stability parameters.

Keywords: tourism, crisis, tourist infrastructure, romanian tourism optimization measures, the resilience of tourism phenomenon

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