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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Ediţia nr.2 din 2011  

Autori:  .

The present study, based on statistical data processing, is an attempt to highlight the actual situation of Romanian road traffic safety. The results show both a territorial disparity among the eight NUTS 2 regions and a relative fluctuation over the last 10 years. The extent of traffic growth basically depends on the economical stability of a country, the average household incomes, cultural habits, and political freedom. Romania is about to witness an increase in the number of vehicles registered to traffic in the near future. On the other hand, the Romanian road transport system finds itself in an alarming situation, clearly underdeveloped as compared to the national economy and status. Statistical data demonstrate that 2004 marked the beginning of a downfall concerning traffic safety (i.e.: increase in the number of road accident victims), which is an opposing process compared to the situation of other EU countries. The most critical periods in the year, based on multiannual statistical analyses and distributed by months, are August and October; what concerns diurnal distribution, Friday and Sunday are marked as the most disastrous days, while the hourly distribution brings out the 6-8 PM interval as such. Empirical data show that, besides the human factor, physical factors play the most important role in inducing road accidents. From the point o view of road traffic safety, the optimal solution would be to create a possibility to cross distances on motorways, in most cases possible. It is little hope, without improving the quality of road transport network, for any kind of amelioration of the present unfavorable conditions of road traffic safety.

Keywords: road traffic, safety, transport infrastructure, road accidents, victims and injuries.

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