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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Ediţia nr.2 din 2009  

Autori:  P. MÎNDRU.
  Rezumat:  The Evolution of the Population from the Someşul Mic Valley, in the Period 1850-2002. The Somesul Mic Valley, the result of the river with the same name, spread between Gilău and Mica, with a total length of 75 km and an area of 210 square meters, is entirely situated on Cluj County’s territory. Between 1850-2002, the population of the valley was situated in a fast growing position; hence, its number has increased 10 times over a period of 152 years. The result was an increased annual average of 5,7%, so that, during a period of only 15 years, the population’s number has increased with the amount of the one registered in 1850. This growth in number is considerably higher in the urban area (9% annual average rhythm), the greatest annual average growth being registered in the city of Cluj Napoca (10%), where it has grown 16.2 times. In the rural area the population’s number has increased by 2.2 times, in an annual average rhythm of 0.8%. From the 23 existing settlements of the valley (2 urban areas and 21 rural areas), three of them have known a decrease in the population’s number: Petreşti village (with 94% considering the number of its population in 1850), Iclozel village (60% compared with the results from 1850) and Sub Coastă village (79% compared with the year 1956, the first time when this village was subject to separate census). Depending on the social-politic factors and on the time when these censuses were taken, this period includes four stages: 1850-1910, 1910-1948, 1948-1992, and 1992-2002. The population of the valley has known the highest increase of the annual average (3.3%) in the third stage (1948-1992), followed by the first stage (2.3%) and the second one (1.8%). The fourth stage (1992-2002) is the only one during which, given the situation created by the 1989 events, a decrease in the population’s number is observable (-0.2% annual average). Taking into consideration the configuration of the relief from this area, the valley includes three sectors (taken from the upstream to the downstream): the Gilău – Cluj-Napoca sector, that had and has the smallest amount in the percentage of the valley’s population (12.7 in 1850 and 3.5% in 2002); the Cluj-Napoca – Gherla area, the largest sector, the one that includes the greatest number of localities (13), where the amount of population has increased from 71.2% in 1850 to 89.3% in 2002; the Gherla – Mica sector with seven localities (an urban one and 6 rural settlements), where the population is characterized by a decrease from 17.3%in 1850 to 7.16% in 2002. Compared with the population of the Cluj district, the population of the valley has known a considerably growth. Hence, the population from the valley has gradually increased from 16.5% (1850) to 53.4% (2002).

Keywords: Someşul Mic Valley, population’s evolution, period of time, stages, intervals, sectors, factors, indicators.
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