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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Ediţia nr.2 din 2008  


The Social and Economical Structure of the Population in the Someşană Plain (The Transylvanian Plain). The analysis of the active population from an economic point of view shows a significant decrease both in absolute and relative values. Thus, if in the year of 1966, from the total of 111.057 inhabitants 66.5% were active, their share decreased to 43.8% and from a total of 77.509 inhabitants in 1992, the share decreased further to 37.4% at the last census. The reduction of the active population was influenced by several factors such as: the numeric evolution of the population in the Someşană Plain, the reduction of the general rate of activity as a result of the modification in the structuring of the population on age groups as well as the increase of urbanization in the bordering units. The decrease in the number of active inhabitants, from an economic point of view, was more significant between 1966- 1992, when all the settlements in the Someşană Plain registered a significant decrease in population. Numerous settlements, especially small ones, lost more than 50% of their active population (Buza Cătun, Sânnicoară, Bungard etc). Between 1922- 2002, simultaneously with the numeric evolution of the population in the unit under analysis, the active population did not register other such significant loss. The structuring of the population on sectors of activity is marked by the agricultural specificity of the region given by the exclusively rural character of the Someşană Plain, by the “plain” denomination referring to its agricultural function and not to its relief, which is hilly. In the periods analyzed (1966-2002) the share of the population working in the secondary sector reached its peak in 1992 (28%) and hit 15% in 2002. The population working in the tertiary sector continuously grew as the services diversified: 7% in 1966, 17% in 1992 and 23% in 2002.

KEYWORDS: Population, Social and Economical Structure, Someşană Plain (The Transylvanian Plain)

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