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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Ediţia nr.2 din 2006  

Autori:  G. PANDI.
  Rezumat:  Red Lake’s Hydrologic Balance. Red Lake is a special hydrological entity whose survey is necessary for it to be protected. The elements of the hydrological balance are only partially know because not all of the m are being hydrometrically checked up on. The water quantities that flow oat from the lake by way of the Bicaz River and the precipitations are being measured with precision at the hydrometric station. On the other hand there are no systematical measurings of the water quantity brought in by the affluent brooks. In order to correct this deficiency there was a need for expeditionary measurings for a period of two years. Correlating the values thus measured with the known water output good results were obtained. The evaporation from surface of the water is not being measured at all therefore its calculation had to be made by indirect method s. Likewise, the contribution of the local down flows from the slopes had been determined empirically. On the whole each element of the hydrological balance equation could be determined with a fair precision. Making thus possible the drawing of pertinent conclusions. In this way was compiled the balance on the bases of mean multianule values a don those of mean monthly values. In both cases the results of the calculations indicated a hydrological equilibrium that constitutes a stability factor of the Red Lake’s. The endangerment concerning its existence does not derive from the sway of the hydrologic balance, but it is owed to the colmatage phenomenon of the lake basin.  
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