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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Ediţia nr.2 din 2004  

  Rezumat:  Slope Sensitiveness in the Transylvanian Diapiric Areas. The morphology of the Transylvanian Basin is the product of its position and of the tectogenetic, climatic, hydrographic, biopedolithospheric and anthropological factors. The position is a central one, inter-Carpathian, and has also the feature of being the reception basin of the multiple energetic or material fluxes, which has assured it a specific morphodynamic. Together with the tectodynamic processes connected to the movement of salt and its being deposited in salt massifs, diapiric anticlines, branchyantclines and domes, one has to take into account the diagenetic and cationic chemical processes that take place between the components of salt and those of the neighboring deposits, defining the neotectonic behavior of the salt and of diapirism. The cumulated effects of the changes that appeared within the morphoclimatic, morphohydrographic environment and the tectodynamic system (diapirism) are reflected in the slope morphology and the geomorphologic relation valley-slope in the Transylvanian diapiric folds. The diapirism, the slope mobility within the direct and indirect control of the rivers, the controlled or uncontrolled anthropic intervention, the changes that appeared in the flow conditions or that of the climatic elements, generated restrictions in territorial planning (the taking out from the agricultural system of certain pieces of land, the minimizing of the functions of the central area of the locality, the reshaping of the functions of the locality and the implementation of certain economic activities according to the newly-created reality, agro-tourism and watering tourism, respectively. The manifestation of the areal or linear erosional processes was differentiated according to the Pleistocene informational matrix, marking geomorphologic specificity to the Transylvanian diapiric areas.  
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