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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Ediţia nr.2 din 2001  

Autori:  E. NAGY.
  Rezumat:  Some Characters of the Religious Structure in Cluj-Napoca. The study presents some facets of demographical and social evolution of Cluj-Napoca which are in relation with the religious structure.There are some models of the numerical evolution of the adherents of the major denominations in Cluj-Napoca, i.e. the Orthodox, Reformed, Roman Catholic and Greek Catholic (or Uniate) Churches, from which the religious community of the Orthodox Church has the largest growth since 1950. The Reformed and Roman Catholic Churches – which are typical for the hungarian ethnic community of the town – are in continuous decrease; at the same time the Uniates – after the decades of communist prohibition – are increasing concerning the number of the adherents. There are also presented some connections between ethnic and religious structure concerning the spatial distribution of theese categories – namely the hungarians, which are the major ethnic group of the town, are concentrated first of all in the central residential area. Similarly most of the recently built quarters have souch a demographical structure (above all young population) which is reflected by the statistics of the low burial rate and high rate of baptism. We emphasize also the multicultural character of the religious structure of Cluj-Napoca which is typical for other transilvanian cities too and which represents an inestimated cultural value and historical inheritage which could be used better as an attractive anthropic touristical potential in the future.  
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