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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Ediţia nr.2 din 2001  

Autori:  GRIGOR P. POP.
  Rezumat:  Aspects of Geographical Regionalization of Transylvania Depression. The unit began to be studied long ago by the scientifical research which brought about rather different options as regards the aspects of regionalization and territorial defining of the corresponding components. In this respect, there is to be highlighted that the older papers (V. Mihăilescu, V. Tufescu) comprised the northern component of the Western Hills in the depression, too (The external side of Someşană Platform, the inner side corresponding to the actual Someşan Plateau) while the Transylvania Plain was to be found under the name North Transilvania Plateau and the Tarnavelor Plateau as the South Transylvania Plateau. Of course, it is normal to begin with the last one, which is studied in an ample work of synthesis upon this matter (Geografia Rom�niei, I, III) which, naturally, highlighted the main units of the depression and their corresponding subdivisions. Thus, after the presence of a marginal unit and of a central one is admited within the depression, in the section of the mentioned work which approached Physical Geography (I, 1983), this modality was just enunciated (p. 506-507) when the study turned to the regional analysis of the Transylvania Depression (III, 1987). Afterwards the analysis of the aspects had in view six units of the same level: Someşan Plateau, Transilvania Plain, Bistriţa Hills, T�rnavelor Plateau, Transylvania Subcarpathians and the contact depressions situated in the south and south-western part. Some recent researches permitted a step forward in the attempt to settle the regionalization issues of this unit in a logical frame, spotlighting two components from a superior category, respectively The Submountainous Hills and Depressions (Marginal Unit), with the corresponding subunits: 1. The Hills between the Someşul Mare and Olt Rivers (Transylvania Subcarpathians); 2. The Southern Depressions; 3. The Western Corridors, Depresions and Hilly Massifs; 4. The Lăpuş Depression, The Northern Ravines and Small Depressions and Transilvania Plateau (Central Unit), which at its turn is subdivided as: 1. Someşan Plateau; 2. Transilvania Plain; 3. Tarnavelor Plateau, the Mureş Corridor being highlighted between the last two ones. Therefore, this paper also approached a lot of other problems concerning the relative functional and logical defining of the compartiments situated at different levels in the frame of this important geographical unit, situated in the inner part of the Romanian Carpathians.  
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