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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Ediţia nr.1 din 2007  

  Rezumat:  Geodemographic Dimension of Settlements in Someşană Plain (Transylvania Plain). Important changes, regarding the number of population, have taken place in Someşană Plain during the period 1850-2002. According to the first census organized on the Transylvanian territory, in 1850, the population of Somesană Plain counted 83.782 inhabitants distributed in 115 rural settlements. The category of middle settlements had 52,2% and the small ones 45,2%, located together 73.239 inhabitants. Since 1966, this raport has been slightly modified by the enlarging the category of small settlements and by the integration of several small villages made by the re-organisation of territorial unity from 1954 and 1956 (Daroţ, Sicfa, Valea Cireşoii etc). The 1966 is the year in which the number of middle and small rural settlements reach up the hights. În 1966-2002 the Someşană Plain were characterized by decreases of the inhabitants number from 101.057 inhabitants, in 1966, to 71.826 in 2002. Also, other changes were recorded regarding the dimension of human settlements. Thenfare, in 2002, the population of Someşană Plain was grouped in 141 rural localities, among which 2/3 were small and very small villages, and the population as represented only by a procent of 28 from its average. Almost half of the population in Someşană Plain was gatherend together in the middle rural settlements (around 29% of the average). Its worth mentioning the fact that the most populated areas of Someşană plain are Fizeşului Plain and Unguraşului Hills. According to the latest census, 24,3% from those 71.826 inhabitants being present in eight major rural settlements. This kind of settlements are, except Cireşoaia locality, have great centers and benefit either of an advantageous position, around the area of contact to Someş passages (Bonţida, Jucu de Jos, Cireşoaia) or important axes of travel (Mociu, Lechinţa) and then have industrial unities (Cojocna-Sic).  
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