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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Ediţia nr.1 din 2007  

Autori:  GRIGOR P. POP.
  Rezumat:  Geodemographic Specific Features of Dej Municipality within the Period 1850-2002. The inhabitants’ number of municipality increased more than five times, within the period 1850-2002, the most important increase taking place beginning approximately with 1965, when Dej Municipality joined an industrialization process that was rather accented. The most important increase of population was registered in Dej Municipality, while its constitutive localities, excepting Ocna Dejului, were characterized by decreases of the inhabitants’ number, so that a situation of mentioning the “0” value was reached at Peştera, according to the census made in 1992. The repartion of the population on the whole of Dej Municipality (Dej, Ocna Dejului, Peştera, Pintic and Şomcutu Mic), expressed through density, increased gradually, from 78 inh./ km2 in 1850, to 378 inh./km2 în 1992, with differentiations from a case to another. The most important part of the paper pursues the geodemographical structure: environments (urbane and rural), sexes, age groups, professional, ethnical and confessional. As regards the structure on environments, there is to be found a certain situation of balance, in 1850, which shows 55,2% from the total of inhabitants (7607) being present in Dej town, and 44,8% in those four rural localities, while, in 1992, the town held, from those 41218 inhabitants, a weight of 91,6%, while in the rural remained only 8,4% (table 3). In the analysed period, the structure on sexes was characterized by a rather contrasting evolution, and that on age groups corresponded with the reduction of the young population’s frequency from values exceeding 45% in 1910 to others, around 25%, in 2002, and with the increase of the old one, from less than 10% to values exceeding 20 % (table 1). Under the conditions of the unfolded activities’ complexity, the professional structure of population displays a certain state of diversity, at Dej and Ocna Dejului, the most raised frequency belonging to the industrial sphere and to that of services, and in the other three constitutive localities, the actives occupied in agriculture are prevalent. Concerning the ethnical structure in 2002, there is to be noticed that the Romanian population outrun 80 % at Dej and Ocna Dejului, while at Pintic and Şomcutu Mic it was of almost 100% (table 6). The confessional structure, in its evolution, corresponded, in a large measure, with the ethnical one, the Orthodox religion recording values more than 75 %, in 2002, at Dej and Ocna Dejului, while at Pintic being of 84,7%, and at Şomcutu Mic of 97,3% (table 7).  
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