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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Ediţia nr.1 din 2007  

Autori:  I. MAC.
  Rezumat:  Microscalar morphosequences as Support for Territorial Arrangements. At least for the territorial arrangements practice in Romania, the actions were located on large spatial units. Only some specific interventions, as torrential basins, river channels, intensely degraded slopes etc., were characterized by medium-scalar dimensions. Those on inferior scalar levels are extremely occasional and geomorphologically (scientifically) unfounded. The recent requirements in territorial arranging imply a careful evaluation of the geomorphologic reality at microscalar levels as well as the adoption of some methods and techniques that fit to the geometric architecture that derives from the forms intimacy. As a consequence, the morphosequences become adequate supports for the detail territorial arrangement. The microscalar morphosequences are understood as parts of a geomorphologic catena of no matter what relevance: morphological, morphometrical, morphogenetic or morphodinamic. This means that the morphosequences play the role of holonic subunits, belonging to the same order or to different ones, but systemically subordinated to the referential whole. These microscalar morphosequences could be identified with elementary physiographic components (ex. Facets, microforms) or with functional components of the geomorphologic reality. They could at most be correlated with structural levels belonging to medium scalar catenae, as those in a valley system: channels, terraces, slopes and their components. Within the spatial morphologic system (the regional one), these morphosequences express at most the geosites or places. In fact, the morphosequences, with a varied discography and an intimate dynamics, provide the catenar construction with a character of relative stability. The morphosequential homologations and convergences determine the functional model of the mezo- and macroforms. The frequency and variation of the microscalar morphosequences indicate the level of aggression on the geomorphologic system. They also indicate the presence of some perturbational factors which strive to overrun the geomorphologic resistance, so that the destabilization is not only imminent, but also affective. As a consequence, the territorial arrangement will be correlated to the patterns imposed to the land areas by the active morphosequences or by those derived with restabilization tendencies. Because of the large variety of the morphosequential patterns, we chose for our demonstration some specific cases within the slopes and river channels catenae in the Transylvanian Basin.  
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