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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Ediţia nr.1 din 2006  

Autori:  C.C. POP.
  Rezumat:  Anisotropy in the Geographical Axis Jibou-Zalău-Şimleu Silvaniei-Marghita. The geographical axis functions through the integration of the constituent relationship elements, so each organization order, place, point, level, secondary axis, principal axis, natural points etc., has its own structure laws. The geographical studied axis, is a territorial axis of functional type, being defined by the following composing anisotropy elements corresponding with the relation presented realities: urban type functional center; the periphery town; the township center; the village; the village vicinities; the marginal lines etc. All this explanation, necessary in the elaboration and validation of a functioning territorial geographical territory allow us, as well as they make us, to give an authentic definition to the geographical axis. We shall define a geographical axis as: a territorial force line, valid with its charge, line that allows in a time-space way the geographical forecast and not only, of the inside and surrounding territory, which an have different geometric forms and different functional dimensions, corresponding to the component polarization and co-polarization capacity. The axis as an image of the territory to which it belongs has at least this following properties: the axis has certain limits; it presents a certain material components; has a geometric form; has certain functions (dynamic). From those presented we can identify through the axis: the sustaining area; the moving center of the axis territory, of the places and environments; the places needing infusions; becoming territorial points; the microterritory characterized by symmetry but also the ones that have no symmetry; the territorial loads with a bigger anthropic influence than the ones with a more natural load; growing elements (University center) and the down growing elements (infrastructure, buildings etc.).  
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