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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Ediţia nr.1 din 2002  

Autori:  GRIGOR P. POP.
  Rezumat:  Problems of Industry in the Inferior Basin of Arieş. The analysed region displays all the necessary resources for the development of certain industrial branches. Generally speaking, among them are to be mentioned: favourable relief (corridor with a clear expression/disposal) and water presence, the existence of some resources in a certain place (salt) or in the immediate neighbourhood (methane gas, limestone, gypsum, quartzite sand, wood etc.) at which the well outlined geodemographical potential and the communication infrastructure are to be added. As a result of the mentioned facilities, the industry appeared and was developed especially on the basis of the methane gas resources brought from the Transylvania Plain, of the limestone (Sănduleşti) and gypsum (Cheia), of the quartzite sand etc., at which were gradually added metal resources (old iron) gathered from Transylvania area. As a results of these facilities, in the Inferior Arieş Corridor, the Turda-Câmpia Turzii Industrial Grouping was developed, the first centre being specialized in the Building Materials Industry (cement, lime, plaster, refractory brick, different products of pottery, glassware products) and the second in Metallurgic Industry (production of steel from old iron, different laminated profiles, inclusively wire, electric conductors, drive cables, nails, welding electrodes etc.). Beginning with 1990, the industry of the corridor entered in a reorganization process imposed by the new social-economic conditions from Romania, managing to make important steps in this respect, inclusively solving some requirements concerning the protection of the geographical environment.  
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