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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Ediţia nr.1 din 2001  

Autori:  GRIGOR P. POP.
  Rezumat:  The Evolution of Romania�s Population in the Second half of XXth Century. In order to spotlight such a period it was neccessary to make a concise pursue of the modality in which the main component of the Human Geography evolved, especially if it is taken into account the context of relative anormality specific for 1966-1989 period due to the legislation regarding the birth control (the decree 779/1966). The analysis was made for the period 1948-1997, on the basis of the available data, when the Romania�s population has increased with 42 % (6 673 301 inhabitants), respectively from 15 872 624 inhabitants in 1948 to 22 545 925 inhabitants in 1997. The outputs have been rather different from a phase to another: around 200 000 inhabitants in the stages 1948-1960 and 1967-1980, followed by 130 000 inhabitants within the interval 1961-1966 and 100 000 inhabitants in the phase 1981-1989. The following period, respectively 1990-1997 was characterized through a yearly mean decrease of 94 400 inhabitants. As regards the evolution of the population in the mentioned stages, two moments, from the most important ones, must be highlighted. On the one hand, it was the exaggerated increase within the interval 1 July 1967-1 July 1968, which registered 436 170 inhabitants, as a result of the natural increase that exceeded 17 %o in the years 1967 and 1968, on the other hand, the reduction of the country�s population with 264 456 inhabitants, within the interval 1 July 1990 � 7 January 1992, as a result of the negatively accented migratory increase. Two other categories of structures have also been analysed, respectively the age groups and the evolution of the urbane-rural report. As concerns the first one, it is to be observed that between the two years taken into account (1956 and 1997), the important modifications have been registered at the young population group (from 36,6 % in 1956 to 27,7 % in 1997) and old one (9,9 % and 18,0 % between the same years of comparison), while the frequency of grown-up population was maintained approximately at the same values (table 2 and fig. 2). As a result of many determination factors, the urbane-rural report was singificantly modified in the 1948-1997 interval. In this respect the rural population was maintained a long period at approximately the same values, while the population of the towns registered a continuous increase, the threshold moment in the equalization of the both categories belonging to 1985 year (table 1 and fig. 1).  
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