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    STUDIA EUROPAEA - Ediţia nr.1 din 2001  

Autori:  .
  Rezumat:  Before the Inter-Governmental Conference in Nice, there were not many those who were anticipating a success on the matter of extension. “The Austrian Crisis” blew up the projects of extension and institutional reforms that was long claimed by the European Council from Helsinki in December 1999. The problem of the extension of the Union on the East in year 2000 must be approached from a geopolitical point of view. We can state that the factors that are influencing the geopolitics of the Union in the year 2000 are different from those from the beginning of the nineties. In spite of France’s wish to maintain the Union as a confederate system composed of some states-nations1, we notice more and more a “de-statification of the Europe”2 and its compatiblisation with the federal model proposed by the German Foreign Minister, Joschka Fisher. The European Union is trying, trough institutional reforms to litheness the levers in order to be able to adapt to the new trend of the globalization. The influence of the conflicts in ex-Yugoslavia on the geopolitical level is consummate. The rhetoric of the external politics of the states in Center and Eastern Europe is circumscribed around two major themes: the adhering to NATO as a military security guarantee and the adhering to the European Union as a mean to ensure economical safety. Even since the “Yugoslavian crisis”, the premise for a conflict between the USA and the European partners appeared. The revolt of the Europeans, more precisely of those from “the south flank of the alliance” is successfully lead by France. Moreover, the idea of a European military structure3 is re-brought in front. How to transpose in a political plan this strategy. The most important consequence is that the management of European crisis will return to the Europeans, the support of the brother SAM getting out of the equation. Yugoslavia and Kosovo showed that the management of the military crisis it is very expensive. In this circumstances the extension of the European Union is looking for the way to obtain security in Europe in order to avoid the large expenses of the war.  
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