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    STUDIA EUROPAEA - Ediţia nr.1 din 2001  
  Articol:   LAUDATIO.

  Rezumat:  According to the Charter of the “Babeş-Bolyai” University (2001), the highest distinction of our University is awarded to “personalities from the fields of science, culture and art, whose work enjoys worldwide recognition and appreciation”. In recent years this distinction was awarded to such personalities as the winner of the Nobel prize for chemistry Paul Ernest (Zürich), medievalists Jacques le Goff (Paris) and Harald Zimmermann, sociologists Raymond Boudon (Paris) and Georg Weber (Münster), psychologist Ulrich Neisser (Atlanta), chemist Achim Müller (Bielefeld), Romanist Theodor Berchem (Würzburg), historian Moshe Idel (Jerusalem), literary theorist Jean Starobinsky (Geneva), mathematician Willy Jäger (Heidelberg), theologian Thomas Spidlik (The Vatican), biologist Franco Pedrotti (Camerino) and to other relevant personalities of contemporary culture. The distinction was also received by world-famous philosophers like Adriano Bausola (Milan), Manfred Riedel (Erlangen), Paul Ricoeur (Paris), Schlomo Avineri (Jerusalem), essential names for the philosophy of the last decades. The Senate of the “Babeş-Bolyai” University has always believed that the university must remain faithful to the international evaluation criteria, and that its highest scientific distinction should honor the authors of contributions which enjoy international prestige.  
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