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    STUDIA EPHEMERIDES - Ediţia nr.2 din 2011  

Autori:  .
  Rezumat:  For more than fifty years now a new political project – the European Unification – has been developing in Europe. This initiative started growing, in concrete terms, at the end of the Second World War. Notwithstanding, it is well-known that the idea of European Unification arises well back in time. Initially set in the Middle Ages, the vision of a Unified Europe has been strongly developed at the time by philosophers, writers, politician, scientists. To only mention a few of them: Dante, Comenius, Erasmus of Rotterdam, Immanuel Kant or Pierre Dubois. Obviously, it is about more or less different projects, but which, in essence, were focusing on the very same idea - European Unification. This is how, for instance, in 1849 Victor Hugo uses the term of "The United States of Europe", underlining that each European State should have this as political and social goal. In the same context, Dante was proposing the establishment of "an unique monarchy inspired from the Romans", while Pierre Dubois was perceiving the European Unification in the form of a federation. Naturally, for the understanding of such a complex historical phenomenon like European Unification, a close look over its evolution is necessary so that the process can be analysed in full detail. This article gathers different relevant initiatives developed by philosophers, writers, politician, scientists in the 19th century – a crucial historical period which has led to the huge European Unification shortly after.

Keywords: European unification projects, political and economical unity, United States of Europe, European peace, federation, European unity
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