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    STUDIA EDUCATIO%20ARTIS%20GYMNASTICAE - Ediţia nr.1 din 2011  

Autori:  .
  Rezumat:  This research is aimed as an investigation of the relationship between sport and the training and implementation in particular seeks to explore the potential of what might be the presence of sport in education.

Working Hypothesis
The schools in general, federal, European Year of Education through Sport: give us clarity about the educational potential of sport, on the contrary be not yet clear however how this combination occurs. I is not whether sport can be an educational vehicle, the fact that this is all completely visible and obvious, but the working hypothesis’ on what basis is the dynamics that enable this support. It goes beyond, the question of whether sport has a value in education but in asking how and why of this link. These questions are the basis of this research, which undoubtedly would have strategic impact in ’educational potential of sport in identifying training and developmental age in subjects in school.

Key words: Pedagogy, gesture, sports culture, school education, physical activity, sport education, feeling good in school.

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