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    STUDIA BIOLOGIA - Ediţia nr.2 din 2003  

Autori:  ALIN DAVID.
  Rezumat:  Avifaunistical Reasons for Enlargement of the Gorge of Turda Nature Reserve (Cluj County, Romania). The paper presents the results of the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the bird fauna on the northern plateau of the Gorge of Turda. Only a small part of the studied surface (approx. 145 ha) is included within the limits of the protected area, so the bird fauna from here does not benefit legal protection. We tried to demonstrate that there are sufficient reasons to enlarge the protected area in order to diminish the strong anthropic impact.To materialise our goals, we made an extensive study of bird fauna, especially on the situation of breeding birds and on the legal protective status of the identified species conferred by the laws 462/2001, 13/1993 (for Romanian adherance to the Bern Convention) and law 13/1998 (for Romanian adherance to the Bonn Convention). Also, we relied on the fact that, since 1989, the Gorge of Turda is included in I. B. A. (Important Bird Areas). We identified a number of 50 species of birds, belonging to 7 orders and 17 families, 23 of them being breeding species, 8 are sedentary, and 15 are migrant species. The dominant breeding species are Alauda arvensis (14.48 breeding pairs/km2 and 1.15 kg/km2 initial biomass), Emberiza citrinella (12.41 breeding pairs/km2 and 0.49 kg/km2), Sylvia curruca (11.03 breeding pairs/km2 and 0.44 kg /km2) and Lanius collurio (10.34 breeding pairs/km2 and 0.66 kg/km2). From the species that are non-breeding in the studied area, a number of 14 species are sedentary in the Gorge of Turda and they are breeding here; the situation is similar with the 3 migrant species; 5 species are winter visitors and other 5 species are occasional. Excepting the occasional species, for the others the northern plateau is a component part of their feeding ground. The most representative species from the non-breeding species are Aquila chrysaetos, Strix aluco, Monticola saxatilis and Corvus corax. In conformity with the Bern Convention, a number of 33 species are strictly protected and 13 species are protected. Law 462/2001 shows that the conservation of 14 species is necessary in special areas for bird protection, 29 species are strictly protected and 7 species have community importance, their gathering from nature is making the object of management measures. We consider that the extension of Nature Reserve surface is beneficial for birds and for other groups of animals and also for plants, which make possible the existence of birds.  
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